Beware of these messages...

Often... If you are browsing internet from your mobile browser you may get some kind of alerts about VIRUS messages   or   Browser outdated... or Claim your prize etc.etc....  If Yes then don't ever click those links! These are the methods to confuse you & to install an unwanted software in your mobile handset that may harm your privacy or system's performance. This unwanted app or we can say any kind of malware may dramatically decrease the well performance of your mobile handset.

An alert message appeared on the screen while browsing internet from mobile browser. That's the great example... isn't it..?

               These kind of alerts or messages generally appears within the browser so we can identify them easily (if wise enough).

Oops Don't Panic...! Here is the most common example. They may even show you a fake scanning process showing this result

                Then what to do? If you get any such kind of alert message then you just need to close that window.. or try pressing the back button to close that window. In some cases you may NOT be allowed to close the browser window (you are probably forced to click that message). In such case.. Its good to close the whole of the browser app. & restart the browser if you want to continue your work. But try to avoid to browse those websites which shows you such kind of 'fake alerts' again & again. You can be fooled showing these fake alerts even on desktop. So its good to think about it before you panic.  Browse the internet... but safely & wisely!

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